Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Four Days.

Wow, I'm going to be leaving for the PDO in 4 days.  That's crazy.  I haven't even started packing- seriously, I don't even know what to pack.  The fact that I won't be in the country still hasn't hit me yet. Neither has "packing," I mean, what is this "packing?"  I need to make sure I pack anything and everything so I'm able to survive in Korea- but I can't pack too much because like Abby says "you won't have any friends to carry your bags for you"...which really is true as bad as it sounds.

Anyway, I doubt my sleep cycle will be normal before I take off...I've been staying up until like 8AM...Crazy I know but I know plenty of other people who stay up that late too.

Anyway, I'm excited for the trip but oddly enough I'm not that nervous or rather I'm not nervous at all.  We'll see what happens.  I'll be sure to blog often (perhaps every day if I have wifi)...


  1. No one else stays up that late except for you =P and you better blog often. If you don't, I won't have any contact with you. And then you're going to forget about me and decide to stay in Korea with BigBang and UKiss :'(

  2. Oh silly farzi. you're quite wrong. I think some days I take the cake for staying up the latest. 11am, noon, 4pm, etc YOU HAVE TO BLOG OFTEN DINO!!!!! She won't forget us farzi, if she does, we'll just go over there and get her >:)
